Sunday, August 16, 2009

First day of school for boys

First day of school for the boys was August 12th, 2009 they go form 8:15am to 3:30pm. Mr. Smiley in his room, he said he had a great first day he only has 10 kids in his room. He has an older lady for his teacher a more grandmotherly type. He says he dose not like her put I told him he has not given it time.
Mr Milky standing by his desk, he said he had a great first day but way all the paper work. And why in art do you have to do tear bears, how can they call that art. Milky also has 12 kids in his class. I put them in different rooms again this year. Milky's teacher seams really nice and he likes her. Each class last year had 22 kids in them.
Both boys standing out side of the the school, yes Mr. Milky is not happy with me taking another picture he wants to go home and eat he said he is very hungry because lunch was not good.

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